======================================================================= Title : WOLF2DUKE, Where Eagles Dare Filename : w2d_201.zip Author : Pär Sundbäck Email Address : wolf2duke@hotmail.com Webpage : http://wolf2duke/dukeworld.com Misc. Author Info : Other levels : Wolf2Duke 1.03 Description : A three level TC with inspiration from one of the first shoot-em-up games, Wolf3d from ID Software. Your mission is to find a way in to the Castle Wolfenstein (E1L1), explore the castle(E1L2) and then escape(E1L3). Info, story and screenshots at: http://wolf2duke/dukeworld.com Additional Credits to : Daniel Leonard for telling me how to make the grp-file and how Duke3d make priorities when loading files. ======================================================================= * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1L1, E1L2, E1L3 Single Player : YES DukeMatch 2-8 Player : NO Cooperative 2-8 Player : NO Difficulty Settings : NOT IMPLEMENTED YET Plutonium Pak Required : YES New Art : YES New Music : YES New Sound Effects : YES New .CON Files : YES Demos Replaced : NOT YET * Construction * Base : From scratch (E1L2 has a converted DOOM-level as a base but you'll probably not notice since I have changed allmost everything) Level Editor(s) used : Build 1.4, Art Editor(s) used : Editart 1.4, PaintShopPro, ThumbsPlus Construction time : MANY, MANY hours Known Bugs : NONE, Please tell me... It could use some final touch-up in some areas but then it might never be finished... * Where to get this MAP file * WEB site : http://wolf2duke.dukeworld.com * Important Information * Installation : Create a subdirectory in your duke-directory named w2d201 (C:\DUKE3D\W2D201\) Unzip to this directory and move/copy the w2d201.bat to your duke-directory. Run W2D201.bat from your duke-directory. You may experience problems with the new art in the game. If so, rename or move your present *.art files from your duke-directory. Important Notes : Updates of this package will follow... This package was not made nor is it supported by 3D Realms, the creators of Duke Nukem. Join the team! I need leveldesigner and artist. Info at: http://wolf2duke.dukeworld.com